Hospitals & Institutions Subcommittee
The Regional Service Committee Hospitals & Institutions (H&I) Subcommittee serves the needs of all the areas within the Central Atlantic Region by conducting activities that promote the growth and strength of all H&I efforts and needs within the Region and the fellowship.
- Is a resource for members, groups, and areas in their H&I efforts by providing supplies, literature, information, and other materials necessary to better carry the message.
- Provides bi-monthly subcommittee meeting rotated throughout the four quadrants for area H&I subcommittees to share their experience, strength, and hope.
- Maintains an updated listing of all appropriate facilities within the region and records which ones are served by which area subcommittees and the type of services that are being performed.
- Conducts and/or coordinates panel presentations that carry the message into facilities that cannot be served by an area subcommittee.
- Conducts workshops upon request throughout the region.
- Maintains communication with the WSC H&I Committee so that member areas may inform of it activities. Communication flows both ways between the area and world level through the regional subcommittee.
- Conducts and/or coordinates panel presentations to institutions to utilize NA as a resource in their facility.
- Performs any other H&I activities that support the purpose of CARNA.
- For additional information, contact:
Subcommittee Meetings
Regular Subcommittee Meetings are held on the 3rd Saturday of every odd numbered month.
See the Events Page for specific dates, location, and tele/video conference access information.