Regional Treasurer

The Regional Treasurer position is currently open.

If you or someone you know is willing to serve please attend the next RSC to be nominated


  1. Keeps an accurate record of all financial transactions and reconciles bank statements.
  2. Prepares simplified and comprehensibly written financial reports for each RSC and annually at the GSR Assembly. (142nd)
  3. Disburses monies as per previously-approved expenditures.
  4. Deposits all donations from Areas and Committees within 10 working days of receipt.
  5. Chairs an annual budget meeting consisting of RSC Officers and interested persons.(156th)
  6. Will submit a yearly projected budget, running from January 1 and ending on December 31 regardless of the Treasurers term of office, with a line item bi-monthly funding and maximum account levels at the October RSC (142nd) to go back to areas and/or groups for approval. (156th)
  7. After the budget is approved, the Treasurer will establish a prudent reserve equal to 25% of the combined total of the newly approved budget and the previous year’s budget. (158th)
  8. After expenses are paid and prudent reserve is met, all remaining money will be donated to NAWS (158th)
  9. Co-signer on all bank accounts of the Central Atlantic Region.
  10. Takes care of all Regional bills promptly.
  11. Attends all Regional Service Committee meetings.
  12. Makes available financial records and bank statements for the previous 24 months at each RSC.
  13. Treasurer will have sole access to debit/visa card.
    1. Debit/Visa card is used for:
      1. Bill payments:
        1. Web services for Region (e.g. Networks Solutions)
        2. Phone line answering services (e.g. Professional Communications Messaging Service, Inc.)
        3. Toll free phone line (e.g. Primus)
        4. PO Box (e.g. Postmaster)
      2. Pre-approved Travel
        1. Air and Rail travel expenses including shuttles
        2. Lodging/Hotel, B&B, Motel
    2. Any misuse of Debit/Visa by Treasurer is grounds for immediate termination of Treasurer Position and cancellation/forfeiture of Debit/Visa card. Recovery of misappropriated funds shall be handled per World Service bulletin #30. (135th)


  1. 7 years clean time.
  2. 2 years Area and/or Regional Treasurer experience.
  3. Willingness and desire to serve.
  4. 2 year term.
  5. Skills in bookkeeping or accounting.
  6. A solid foundation of experience with the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous and willingness to answer questions asked by the body of the Conference concerning this.
  7. Time and resources needed to be an active participant.