The Regional Treasurer position is currently open.
If you or someone you know is willing to serve please attend the next RSC to be nominated
- Keeps an accurate record of all financial transactions and reconciles bank statements.
- Prepares simplified and comprehensibly written financial reports for each RSC and annually at the GSR Assembly. (142nd)
- Disburses monies as per previously-approved expenditures.
- Deposits all donations from Areas and Committees within 10 working days of receipt.
- Chairs an annual budget meeting consisting of RSC Officers and interested persons.(156th)
- Will submit a yearly projected budget, running from January 1 and ending on December 31 regardless of the Treasurers term of office, with a line item bi-monthly funding and maximum account levels at the October RSC (142nd) to go back to areas and/or groups for approval. (156th)
- After the budget is approved, the Treasurer will establish a prudent reserve equal to 25% of the combined total of the newly approved budget and the previous year’s budget. (158th)
- After expenses are paid and prudent reserve is met, all remaining money will be donated to NAWS (158th)
- Co-signer on all bank accounts of the Central Atlantic Region.
- Takes care of all Regional bills promptly.
- Attends all Regional Service Committee meetings.
- Makes available financial records and bank statements for the previous 24 months at each RSC.
- Treasurer will have sole access to debit/visa card.
- Debit/Visa card is used for:
- Bill payments:
- Web services for Region (e.g. Networks Solutions)
- Phone line answering services (e.g. Professional Communications Messaging Service, Inc.)
- Toll free phone line (e.g. Primus)
- PO Box (e.g. Postmaster)
- Pre-approved Travel
- Air and Rail travel expenses including shuttles
- Lodging/Hotel, B&B, Motel
- Bill payments:
- Any misuse of Debit/Visa by Treasurer is grounds for immediate termination of Treasurer Position and cancellation/forfeiture of Debit/Visa card. Recovery of misappropriated funds shall be handled per World Service bulletin #30. (135th)
- Debit/Visa card is used for:
- 7 years clean time.
- 2 years Area and/or Regional Treasurer experience.
- Willingness and desire to serve.
- 2 year term.
- Skills in bookkeeping or accounting.
- A solid foundation of experience with the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous and willingness to answer questions asked by the body of the Conference concerning this.
- Time and resources needed to be an active participant.